Thank you for
your interest in my blog. I do welcome all reviews, however please keep in mind
that I am not obligated to blog
everything. Items are posted on my Blog, Flickr, Instagram, and Threads. I am often afk for hours
at a time due to RL, so I may not respond right away. I created this blog to
post all my favorite things/designers in second life, also to help others
create there own fashion look. If you would like me to review your item. I will
be glad too. Please send a NoteCard with the follow: Landmark/Marketplace to
your store, Links to Event, Name of item/event & Price. I will try my best
to post new item(s) as fast as I can. I reserve the right to those whom I feel
suit my style and whom requirements I can realistically handle. I will NOT
re-blog/repeat a same item because it is in multiple fashion events.
Thank you for
your support!